Barbados Meteorological Services Charnocks ChCh Weather Forecast Forecast based on Satellite imagery,BMS Radar composite,S.P.I.E products,GEM, GFS, WW3, UKMET and BMS WRF modeling, surface and upper air observations, Satellite derived products. DATE: 2020-05-31 |
Forecast for Lesser Antilles |
Afternoon 2020-05-31 1600Z to 2020-05-31 2200Z |
Synopsis: Unstable conditions will continue to affect the extreme southern Windward islands. |
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Forecast: Extreme southern Windwards: Partly cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers and the chance of isolated thunderstorms. Elsewhere: Partly cloudy to occasionally cloudy, hazy and breezy at times with brief scattered showers. |
Wind: E - ENE at 15 to 35 km/h. |
Seas: Slight to moderate in open water with swells from 1.0m to 2.0m.
Tonight 2020-05-31 2200Z to 2020-06-01 1000Z |
Synopsis: The Atlantic high pressure system will be the dominant feature. |
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Forecast: Partly cloudy to occasionally cloudy and hazy with brief isolated showers. |
Wind: E - ESE at 15 to 35 km/h. |
Seas: Slight to moderate in open water with swells from 1.0m to 2.0m.
Meteorologist : Tia Browne |